Tuesday, 12 February 2013


We all make choices in our lives. I choose to sew. I choose to blog. I choose to blog a lot. This is my 681st post in two years (and three days). That could indicate that I have had a blogiversary. I've been planning for it for quite a while. I thought I would offer up something for all you lovely people who bother to come and read my ramblings. It would have helped if I had actually remembered what day my blogiversary was on of course, but that doesn't stop me from still doing a Reader Appreciation Day.

So today is about everyone who reads Canadian Abroad. It is also about choices. I have six potential prizes. I will draw for three of them. You get to choose what you would prefer to win. Here's what you can pick from -

1. Three FQs of Monaluna from Birch Fabrics, 100% organic cotton.

2. A pouch I made this morning. It is quite roomy; measuring approximately 9.5" across the top and 9.5" deep. Some Ruby Star Shining clocks, red solid, and one of Aneela's wonderful prints for the lining.

3. A yard of Little Red Riding Hood fabric. I've had this for ages waiting for me to turn it into a baby quilt. I haven't so if someone else loves it then I am happy to give them the opportunity instead.

4. This tote I made a couple of weeks ago was intended for one of you all along. EPP has been machine appliqued onto Essex grey linen. The lining is the aqua pins from Sew Stitchy.

5. If any of you are into the 1930s reproduction fabrics then I have a selection of five FQs you could have. (Some of these fabrics are larger cuts. I will cut a FQ of each if someone chooses this as their option and they win.) The three fabrics on the left are Aunt Grace Friends Around the World. The other two are of unknown origin.

6. And for those of you who are of a sarcastic bent, I offer up my Sarcasm hoop.

So, the rules. As per usual, I like to keep it simple. Leave a comment (only one please) telling me what your first, second and third choice for prizes would be. You must tell me your choices or I will redraw a name for someone who has put their choices in their comment. I must be able to contact you so if you are not sure if you are a no-reply blogger then please leave an email that I can contact you at should your name be drawn. Hint - if you leave comments on blogs and never get replies it might just mean you are a no-reply blogger.

That's it. One comment, three chances. I will make the draw on Friday, February 15 approximately 3pm British time. I am happy to post internationally.

A huge thank you to everyone for two years of support, friendship, laughs and inspiration.


** Please note - I do my utmost to reply to my comments as often as possible but in this instance will not even attempt it. Just know I am so pleased you took the time to throw your name in the hat.

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for taking the time to enter. The winners can be seen in Friday, 15th February's post.


  1. Congrats on your blogaversary!!

    Ok choices choices, they would be:

    1st choice the 30's fabric
    (only because I have a 30's project in the cupboard and these might inspire me to finish it)

    2nd choice Red Riding Hood fabric
    (because DD2 is RRH..she's blond and loves wolves!)

    3rd choice monaluna camper van fabrics
    (because I bought a basket pattern and these would be perfect for it!)

    thanks for the chance to win...my fingers and toes are crossed :o)

  2. Yay for you - and for your eventual winners!! Gosh - my choices would be:
    1. Sarcasm hoop
    2. Lovely pouch made this morning!!
    3. Monaluna for Birch fabric

    Great giveaway Susan!! Fingers crossed eh?

  3. 1.monaluna 2 the gorgeous bag 3 the pouch ...............very hard to choose :)) thanks for the chance and happy blogging :))

  4. Happy Blog Birthday. I went to check and your first post was on February 9, 2011 so clearly it is your blog birthday. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway.

    My choices are: 1 The stunning tote bag, 2 The excellent pouch and 3 The cheeky sarcasm hoop.

  5. I like choices 1 the birch fabric (which I have been coveting for a while now; 2 the pouch with the clock on it; and 6 your silly hoop.

    Happy blogaversary! I am glad you are part of my days.

  6. Congratulations on your Blogversary! 1. he pouch, 2. the tote, and 3 the monaluna.

  7. Congratulations Susan!
    My choices are 1 Monaluna fabric 2 the pouch and 3 the red riding hood fabric

  8. Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for blogging. I enjoy reading and seeing the great stuff you make!
    1. The pouch - seems I always need a pouch and I love the clock fabric. :)
    2. The monaluna fabric!
    3. The tote. Love your EPP.

  9. I have had a more chuckles and smiles reading your musings than anyone else! Thank you for that, Susan.
    I would love to win something you've had your hand in...literally,
    1) The hoop
    2) The tote
    3) The pouch


  10. Happy Blogversary! I really don't know how you find the time! Maybe if I made more choices and spent less time procrastinating I might actually get more done! I am not a very good decision maker but hear goes...

    1 the monuluna fabrics (I have 2 boys who love spending time in Nanny's caravan)
    2 the tote (I don't have any crafty friends so would love to own something that was handmade by someone other than me)
    3 hmmm, I have my first commission and either the little red riding hood or 30s prints would be great so errrrm... Think I will go for the 30's prints. Final decision. The 30's prints!
    Thank you so much for such lovely and generous prizes!

  11. Happy blogiversary me old mucker!!!
    OK choices...
    2. Tote
    3. Pouch
    What awesome prizes, you are so good to us. (I will hold off my 500 follower/New Year giveaway until this is but a distant memory for everyone, because I am so not that generous!!!)

  12. congrats by the by!
    1. camper fqs
    2. sew stitchy tote
    3. red riding hood!

    thank you!

  13. Happy Blogiversary belatedly - you already know how much I love joining in with your ramblings and otherwise awesomeness!

    Nice giveaway options - umm decisions, decisions...

    I think:
    1. the tote bag - need something just like this for FQR
    2. the pouch - also useful for FQR
    3. the hoop - though everyone in this house is well acquainted with the meaning of the word!!

    Everything crossed!

    Thank you my lovely!

  14. Congratulations! Oh...I got visions of Cliff Richard singing then... ;-) okay my choice would be:-

    1. Tote because I want it!!
    2. Three FQs because I can make something for our camper
    3. Five FQs because I love the fabric.

    How generous are you!

    Hugs xx

  15. Happy bloggy birthday! What lovely choices, I think
    I would choose 1. The bag 2. The pouch or 3. The hoop.

  16. Congratulations -love your often quirky take on life!
    Thanks for the chance to win some lovely items -I would chose
    1 tote
    2. Pouch
    3. 30's fq

  17. Susan, I'd choose 1. the sarcasm hoop
    2. the pouch 3. the tote.
    All your gifts are delightful but a 'Canadian Abroad' original would be perfect.
    Congratulations on such a successful blog! :)

  18. This is an amazing giveaway Susan! Well I would like something made by you (hoping flattery will get me everywhere) so I choose 1. tote 2. hoop 3. pouch - thanks so much! Happy anniversary - love having you around!

  19. Congratulations - you make me smile daily! My choices are (1) the hoop (I come from a line that " EVERYONE is entitled to My opinion!!")(2) The pouch (3) Monaluna FQ's

    I am teetering on the edge of blog land myself - have bullied two friends and my group into it. Maybe I should live up to my expectations :))

  20. For a scary moment there I thought you were going to make me chose one only! My order is:

    Super generous of you Susan xx

  21. Happy second blogiversary. I've missed mine too!

    My choices are
    1. The monaluna
    2. the pouch
    3. The tote

    Thanks Susan!

  22. Congratulations on such an enjoyable blog!!! If I was the lucky winner I would pick: 1st place, number one (I promised my little boy a quilt!! Need to make a start). 2nd place, definatly sarcasm, your words often sum up my days. 3rd place, very difficult to choose ( would be happy with anything) but it would be your roomy pouch!! Sarah

  23. First of all, congratulations on 2 years of non stop chatter and creativity. I love your blog and I love you!
    My choices are:
    1. Fabric (Monaluna)
    2. The very funny hoop
    3. The lovely zipper pouch.

  24. Happy bloggy-versary!

    My choices are 1) camping fabric 2) pouch w/typewriter and 3) the tote


  25. Wow! That is a lot of posting. Keep it up!

    I'd say 1- zippie pouch 2- Monaluna FQ 3- that bad ass hoop.

  26. Its all lovely :-) In the interest of spreading the love, I'm just going to say that 30's repro duckies print and then someone else can win the rest ;-) You are a bloggy star, and may the rants long continute xxx

  27. Number 5 (30s repro), number 1 (organic cotton) or number 3 (Little Red).
    I have some little people I would like to make a quilt for.
    Hard choice. Congratulations on your blogversary.

  28. It is all wonderful. I would choose 1 the monaluna fabric 2 the tote or 3 the awesome hoop

  29. Happy Blogiversary!! I'm inspired by your posts - I think I've had about 50 in a year, heh heh. Tough choices but I'd have to say:
    1. Monaluna fabric
    2. pouch
    3. tote

    thank you!!

  30. Wow, hasn't time flown by! Congratulations on all you have achieved in your two years and three days that you have been blogging! I'd love to win:

    1) Tote
    2) Pouch
    3) Hoop

    You will note that I just want stuff you made because I love the stuff you make and covet it on a regular basis x

  31. Happy Blogiversary!

    It's so hard to chose from so many lovelies...But how about

    1)30's repro fat quarters.

    2)That super tote bag

    3)The sarky hoop

    But if I don't win I'll consider the option of reading future posts my prize x

  32. Congrat's on your anniversary and many more. I would be happy
    1. Pouch
    2. Tote
    3. Hoop of Sarcasm, LOL
    Many thanks.

  33. Happy blogversary !
    It is quite difficult to choose but after consideration
    1camping fabric
    2 pouch
    Many thanks for your daily blogs

  34. Wow, congrats on so many posts in the last 2 years! And what a generous giveaway. My choices would be pouch, hoop and 30's repro fabric.

  35. Happy Anniversary!

    My choices would be:

    1. Three FQs of Monaluna from Birch Fabrics
    2. EPP tote
    3. pouch


  36. Happy blogiversary :) Here's to many more!
    My choices are Hoop, Tote, Pouch.
    Would be awesome to own something crafted by your own fair hands :)

  37. Happy blogiversary! You're so sweet for offering this giveaway :)

    Choices: 1- the tote, 2- the monaluna, 3- the pouch

    Thanks for all that you do!

  38. So is it happy birthday blog or congratulations? I never know the protocol ;)
    My first choice would be number 6, then 4, then 1.

    I have my fingers crossed!

  39. What a generous giveaway! So many great choices. I have to pick:
    1. pouch
    2. monaluna fabrics
    3. hoop - totally cracks me up!

  40. Happy Belated Blogaversary, what a wonderful choice of presents for your lucky followers. If I was lucky enough to win, i think I would choose:
    1.Tote Bag
    Ange x

  41. Happy Blogversary! (Is that how you say it??) Thank you for the daily installment of quilty awesomeness, laughs, trials and tribulations. And what a wonderful giveaway! My choices are:

    Red Riding Hood fabric (baby fabrics of course, it's what I do!!)
    Mona Luna Fabric (big love for those camper vans)
    Pouch (It would be an honour to own one of your beautiful projects.)

    Thank you for the chance to win!!

  42. Happy Blogiversary! Wow what a giveaway - so many fab prizes I seriously had to take a minute to choose!
    1. Monaluna fq's
    2. Pouch
    3. Hoop
    Thanks for the chance xx

  43. Isn't it wonderful to look back and see how much you've accomplished? That's what "blogiversaries" are for :)

    Choices: Monaluna, Tote, and Repro fabric

  44. woo woo congratulations- now a lot of time has been spent choosing.

    Final decision

    5 - FQ bundle
    3 - little red riding hood
    1 - Cute trees fabric

    Thanks for the chance


  45. Congratulations - I love reading your blog, dont ever stop writing or sewing, you are quite inspirational.
    If I were lucky enough to win anything I'd choose:-
    1 the pouch
    2 the tote
    3 the Monaluna fabric
    Thanks for your generosity.

  46. Woohoo! Congrats my friend! Here's to many more years of blurb & friendship! 5, 2, 1 are my choices! Jxo

  47. Happy Blogversary!! That is a super tough choice but I think I would go;
    1. Gorgeous tote
    2. Mona Luna bundle
    3. Pouch.

  48. Hip Hop Happy Blogiversary to you.
    You're so generous to let us choose, firstly I'd have to go for the campervan fabric, I can see it being turned into a Tripple zipper pouch, second the tote as I missed out on the Mouthy stitches tote swap and it would be lovely to have something handmade by you and lastly the 30s fabric....simply as I have none....yet!

  49. Well, I think you've made some excellent choices! Thanks for giving us the chance to win, and happy blogiversary! I think I'd choose the tote, hoop or pouch in that order please :D

  50. Happy Blogiversary!!

    So many beautiful gifts to choose from

    1 Tote Bag
    2 Monaluna FQs
    3 1930s reproduction

    Thank you

  51. What a generous giveaway! Congratulations on you blogiversary, I love having you in my day! My choice options are 1. The great pouch 2. The lovely Monaluna fabric 3. The red riding hood fabric!

  52. Happy Blogaversary!! But we need to choose? Ay-yay-ay.

    1. Pouch! Coz I really need a nice big one for me new ginorma-bag.
    2. Tote! Coz it's bee-yoo-tiful.
    3.Hoop! I do love some sarcasm!

  53. you are so sweet

    1. essex tote
    2. hoop
    3. monaluna FQs

    Thanks so much for a great giveaway

  54. Hello Susan,
    My choices would be:

    1 the first fabric
    2 the pouch
    3 the hoop

    Best wishes, Helen

  55. Congratulations on your blogiversary. I'm so very glad you started blogging because now I have a like minded friend thousands of miles away who is just the bees knees!
    My choices are
    1. The hoop
    2. The pouch
    3. The tote
    Thanks a bunch.

  56. Congratulations lovely. Thats a lot of posts in a couple of years!

    My choices are
    1 - the scarky hoop, without doubt one of my all time favourites!
    2 - the tote
    3 - the 1930 fabric

  57. oooh difficult choices, and thank you for the giveaway! you are a prolific blogger! but here goes,

    1, The tote is gorgeous, pretty please?
    2, That hoop just says it! I like your style.
    3, That fabric with the friends from around the world, please. No idea what I would do with them, but that little Japanese girl? so cute!

    So please draw me!

    Thank you.

  58. wow, fab giveaway!! Thanks for the choices 1: the fabulous tote 2: the 1st lot of fabrics and 3: the pouch

  59. Yay, happy to have had you in my blog reader for so long!
    My choices are
    1. Moona Luna fabric (because Karen sent me a scrap of te trees and I loved it but didn't know what it was and now I've seen the caravans, wow!)
    2. Little red riding hood fabric - I have a little girl who would think she'd gone to heaven if she had a quilt made with it.
    3. The gorgeous tote, because I think it's perfect!

  60. wow - what a giveaway! Congrats you - I do enjoy reading your blog and reading about your girls, himself and your making - keep it up. For me, I'd love:
    1.the pouch
    2. the hoop
    3. the tote

    thanks Susan - very generous of you

  61. Oh you are a generous girl.........with wit, words and giveaways. Thankyou for amusing us for two years. 6, 2, 1 please.....although I think you should be selling patterns for your stitched words of wisdom. I quilt so I don't kill people is my daily mantra.

  62. Oh my goodness! Where to start...?
    I'll be selfish and start by saying I love your tote bag (so number 1 option) and your hoop (s that will be prize option number 2). Does it say something about me that rather than fabric I want these gorgeous little something something's that you made? Maybe it says that you are the prize, and that reading your blog is such a pleasure I want it in my hand everyday :-)
    Congrats on your blog versary.
    E xx

  63. Happy Blogiversary Susan!

    Such a generous giveaway , and such pretty goodies ...you make choosing three things very difficult.

    Tote , pouch then the 30's repros for me. I've coveted a Susan tote forever!

  64. Happy Anniversary and Happy Blog Reading day!

    Can I chose three times the same?
    1.Sarcasm (2. and 3. as well???)

    if no and I would be one time lucky
    2. tote bag (it is adorable!!!)
    3. pouch

  65. Happy Blogsnniversary. I love reading your blog so thank you.
    Thanks too for the giveaway. Here are my choices...
    1. Pouch
    2. Tote
    3. Scarcasm hoop

    Di x

  66. I love reading your blog, you almost always make me laugh! thanks for being there!

    Ok you generous lady, if I was so fortunate to be a winner...
    1. Monaluna fabrics (because my boy has a thing for cars and caravans!)
    2. Tote - because it's gorgeous and made by your fair hands
    3. Pouch - it is lovely and I could stuff it with stuff!

    Thank you! x

  67. Congratulations! Not sure if my own blog will ever reach such a landmark! I love "popping by" to "share" in your projects and day to day fun. Now for the hard part...love them all....so randomly (without checking back on the numbers!!) I'd like 2, 5 & 6.
    I can be reached at kirstie cantegreil at g mail dot com.
    Many thanks for fabulous blog xx

  68. Congratulations on your blogiversary Susan! I enjoy reading your blog as it is not only inspiring, but you also have a fabulous sense of humour which can be guaranteed to make me laugh. xoxo
    1. Hoop
    2. Pouch
    3. Tote

  69. Keep posting - I love reading your posts. It's an incredibly generous giveaway - and so hard to choose if I were lucky enought to win.
    1st - I'd have to go for the monaluna fabrics. I have a real thing for caravan fabrics and missed out on the monaluna ones (I have bought some of laurie Wisbrun's Roughing It though!)
    2)The EPP tote is gorgeous
    3) The sarcasm hoop - it's awesome. :-)

    I think it will take me years to come close to that number of blog posts (mind you, posting more regularly would help.....)So congratulations on your Blogiversary!

  70. Congratulations, I am so happy for you. Thank you for this opportunity. I love the Monaluna the most, secondly I love the bag. Very cute. Lastly I would chose the XOXO bag. Again, thank you for this give away! :)

  71. Lol, that's why I never try and tie giveaways into any blog related dates, I'm never that on the ball ;o) Thanks for the prizes though!

    Err, you'll be unsurprised to know that first up is option #6. 2nd is option #1 and 3rd is option #4

    Happy bloggiversary!

  72. Wow! How incredibly generous. Congratulations on the anniversary.

    I will be greedy, and ask for some of your hard work and creativity (because I have so much fabric and sewing plans already)

    First Choice: #4 - beautiful tote bag

    Second Choice: #2 - lovely pouch

    Third Choice: #1 - camping fabric (way too cute!)

    Thanks again,


  73. Yay! Happy blogiversary!
    If I was lucky enough to be a winner, my choices would be 1. The tote, 2. The 1930s repros, 3. The lovely pouch.
    What a lovely giveaway!

  74. Congratulations on your blogiversary!! I love reading your blog, your sense of humour is very much like mine, you make me laugh - oh and you are a very talented lady as well.

    Ok, my choices...
    1. Monaluna - I LOVE the campervan print. I need more of it to make William some PJs to match his holiday bedding (don't ask, its complicated!)
    2. Sarcasm hoop - because I love it and it speaks volumes
    3. Pouch - urhhh when is someone going to come up with another word that we all use instead of 'pouch'?

    thanks for the giveaway
    Sarah x

  75. No. 1,2,4. Happy Anniversary, and what a cool giveway! Thank you-

  76. How generous of you, it's hard to choose!!

    1) Zippy Pouch
    2) Tote Bag
    3) Sarcasm Hoop!

    <3 Tabatha

  77. Congratulations on your anniversary. Love to read your blog and see your quilts and WIP's.

    1, 2 and 4.

  78. Congratulations - I have only recently discovered your blog, but love the fresh look of your projects.
    1. Tote Bag
    2. Monaluna fabric
    3. 30s fat quarters

    I haven't yet figured out how to change my no-reply status, so for now it is hezbez13@gmail.com

  79. my chioces are #4, #6, and #2 in that order. Is there a theme? darn right; you made them and I appreciate the work! I can buy fabric, but not your imagination!

  80. I'm very glad that you're such a prolific blogger, I love reading your blog! :) what a fantastic giveaway, congratulations on two years and a bucketload of posts! My choices would have to be:
    1 birch fat quarters
    2 pouch made by you
    3 sarcastic hoop made by you.

    Congratulations and thanks for such a generous giveaway! I look forward to reading many more of our posts :)

  81. I love your blog, and love your giveaway!

    My choices:
    1. Sarcasm. How could I not love that.
    2. The pouch!!
    3. Monaluna

  82. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! And what a fun giveaway you've created.

    My choices would be:
    1. The XandO tote bag.
    2. The Monaluna fabric
    3. The 30s reproduction fabric

    (supermomnocape at yahoo dot com)

  83. Happy blogiversary. Chatty is good - much better than neglecting your blog (like I do mine).

    I love all your choices; however, if I had to pick my top 3, they would be:
    The lovely zippy clock pouch
    The Little Red Riding Hood fabric
    The sarcasm hoop


  84. Happy blogiversary! I really enjoy reading all your posts! My choices are:

    1 - Monaluna
    2 - the pouch
    3 - 30s reproduction fabrics

    Thanks for the chance to win! So very fun, fun fun!!

  85. Congratulations on your second blogaversary! And you're making us choose now?

    1. sarcasm hoop
    2. Essex linen tote
    3. Moonaluna FQs


  86. Congratulations on your second blogaversary! And you're making us choose now?

    1. sarcasm hoop
    2. Essex linen tote
    3. Moonaluna FQs


  87. I love reading your blog, though I seldom comment. In order of preference Hoop, tote, zipper pouch.

  88. Happy Blog Anniversary!! Love your prize choices! Thanks for the chance to win!
    1. EPP Tote
    2. Sarcasm Hoop
    3. Clock Pouch

  89. Thank you for sharing your creativity in a really normal we're-getting-by life.
    i would pick
    1. x and o tote
    2. 30's fabrics
    3. monaluna FQ

  90. A Blogoversary - Huge congratulations. I would choose

    1. That cute pouch
    2. The to die for Tote
    3. 1930 fabrics

    Keep up the great work, I love visiting and seeing what you have been up to. Hugs

  91. Oh my GOSH . . more than 90 fans already, in love with your giveaway, and Archie hasnt even poked his nose in yet, either.
    Congratulations Susan on your blogyyyyversaryyy. Did you make a cake? Chocolate??
    OK.....now for this fan, these goodies would come to a good home . . . .
    1. The Red Riding Hood Fabric for my teeny tiny grand daughter
    2. The Pouch for my new blue and red sewing room (actually its an old room, my girlie has unwisely vacated it for Uni last month)
    3. The divine tote because I have a pile of aqua and red fabrics and I am too lazy to make my own tote!

    Hope the skies clear soon.

  92. Thanks, Susan!! That's very kind. Congrats on the blogiversary!!

    1) Monaluna
    2) your super cute pouch
    3) Sarcasm, of course. :-)

  93. Congrats on your blogiversary, I look forward to reading you everyday. 1 the pouch, 2 the tote bag, 3 1930s fabric.

  94. We've blogged about the same number of posts, but you in less than half the time lol

    Right then, I'm back off holiday now and good timing too it seems.

    1) Monaluna fabrics
    2) The Melody Miller pouch
    3) The Red Riding Hood yard.

    Thanks Susan!

  95. well, DUH - first choice would have to be the hoop, then the pouch, and then the bag.

    You rock - I am so glad to have met you!

  96. Congrats on your blogiversary Susan.
    You have given us really hard choices - but,I think I would opt for, 1. Camper vans, 2. the gorgeous pouch and 3. the beautiful tote.
    Thanks Susan.x

  97. Susan congrats on your blogiversary i love reading your blog !
    1. The pouch
    2. The tote
    3. The repro fabric
    Such awesome choices!!!

  98. Susan congrats on your blogiversary i love reading your blog !
    1. The pouch
    2. The tote
    3. The repro fabric
    Such awesome choices!!!

  99. Happy blogiversary! That is a lot of posts, lady.

    1. Monaluna FQs
    2. Sarcasm embroidery
    3. Little red riding hood fabric

  100. Congratulations on your blogiversary Susan! I am happy to read your ramblings every day. I love your thoughts on things. Sometimes they are mine. My choices are 1. sarcasm stitchery 2. tote bag 3. monaluna fabrics.

  101. Happy Bloggy Birthday!

    My choices are: 1 The stunning tote bag, 2 The cheeky sarcasm hoop & 3 Monaluna FQs.

    Thank you for such a lovely giveaway!

  102. I would love the Monaluna FQ's (working on 3 camping themed quilts for some, soon to be, high school graduates)
    2) the beautiful tote and 3) the cute pouch (who doesn't need another bag).
    Thanks for the chance to win and for providing 2 years of great sewing!

  103. Happy bloggy birthday, I hope you've made/given yourself a present? My choices (oh, it was hard!) are: 4 (tote), 2 (pouch), 1 (Monaluna fabric) Thank you!!!!

  104. Happy blog anniversary! My choices are 1,5,6! Thanks

  105. congratulations on reaching 2 years, here's to many more! And thanks for the lovely giveaway, so generous!

    My choices would be:

    1 - 1)Monaluna
    2 - 6)sarcasm
    3 - 4)Tote

  106. Happy Blogiversary wishes!
    Here are my choices……
    1. HOOP
    2. HOOP
    3. HOOP
    Is that not playing the game?
    Aw. Ok.
    1. HOOP!!!!!
    2. Most lovely pouchy
    3. Most lovely tote bag

    & just in case I don't win ( sob) I'd like a HOopTute as my consolation prize ;-) fanks.
    Keeeeeeep bloggin' :-)

  107. Such a generous give away! My choices:
    1. Monaluna FQs
    2. The cute little pouch
    3. Sarcasm Hoop

  108. oooh, very cool prizes. I'd choose #1 as my top choice, because I love the campers on it, then the #2 pouch because I love that fabric, then the #4 bag. thanks for your contributions to the blogging world, and thanks for the chance.

    Brenda, a fellow Canadian who lives really close to home.

  109. Wow choices?
    No contest for me.
    First choice has to be the monaluna fqs, as we have a red camper with green interior.
    Second would have to be the embroidery, as I'm the most sarcastic person ever.
    And third would be the repro fabrics, just because xx

  110. Happy blogaversary! And how awkward when auto correct on the iPad changes that to blog adversity. LOL

    My choices would be--
    1--Monaluna fabrics
    5--1930s fabrics
    2--Super cool pouch

  111. Susan, first of all, congratulations on the blogiversary and generally a big hug for being here.
    As for my choices:
    1. the pouch
    2. the tote
    3. Monaluna FQs

  112. Happy blogiversary! Always enjoy reading your blog! My choices are the beautiful tote bag, the cute pouch and the Monaluna FQs.

  113. 1 Tote of course! or hoop
    2 Hoop - oh queen of the Sarc! - or tote!
    3 torn between pouch and LRRH fabric!

    Seriously want that tote/hoop ! Who wouldn't!??

    Oh and congrats on the Blogiversary plus some - love the casual approach Susan!

  114. Happy Blogoversary! What fun!! And you are pure evil to make us choose our own prizes. I'll say

    1. Pouch (I could really use cool pouch but I have a fear of zippers)
    2. Tote (I've admired that tote for awhile! you're giving it away?!)
    3. Little red riding hood fabric

    Thank you for the fun chance!

  115. That sarcastic hoop is AMAZINGLY accurate! Everything you have would be good enough for me ;)

  116. Happy blogversary. I would have commented sooner but I can't make up my mind which and in which order! Too many lovelies!
    Here goes
    1 sarcasm hoop
    2 tote
    3 30s fat quarters
    That's it, or shall I change my mind again?

  117. Love them all but would choose - 1. Monaluna 2. 30s fabric 3. Red riding hood
    Thanks and congrats!

  118. read the post, starred it and forgot to enter DOH !!!!
    So I'd love
    1 Tote it's yummy!!
    2, the hoop, love it
    3. camper FQ's cos fabric is fabric :)

  119. I found you a couple weeks ago and wow, what a ride! I love all the inspiration. My choices:
    1. is #5
    2. is #2
    3. is #3
    Thank you!

  120. Congratulations on your blogiversay. I still haven't stopped procrastinating enough to start mine yet.
    1. Sarcasm hoop
    2 Monaluna fabric
    3. Pouch

    Thanks for the chance and keep blogging.

  121. Happy Blog Birthday! I enjoy reading your blog, especially your sense of humour! Thanks for the giveaway. I would choose
    1. Birch fabrics
    2. The lovely tote
    3. The amazing pouch!

  122. You are so generous to do a giveaway! I would be thrilled with any of it but especially like:
    1. 30's repros! Love those!
    2. Little Red Riding Hood fabric - love that as well!
    3. The lovely tote.
    Thanks for the chance!
