Friday 7 December 2012

And the Winner is...

... Well, first can I say thank you to everyone who took the time to stop and leave a comment and enter my Sew Mama Sew giveaway. It was a pleasure to meet a lot of new people, go visit lots of new blogs and generally have a good time with it all. That's what it is all about, after all.

I used Mr RNG to do the draw. I finally found the snipping tool in my computer so I can get a picture of the result having battled with an inoperable screen grab button for too long. I am sure you are far more interested in who actually won though, so without further ado...

The person who left comment number 22 is...

So there you have it. I will be contacting Sara for her address by email and hope that she gets this little parcel before Christmas.

And I leave you with this little snippet of information. Did you know that a child can get chicken pox more than once? Needless to say Emily did the honours of going against the odds. Not that she hasn't missed half the school year already. We are hoping for a very (very, very) mild case so that she can perform her duties as Angel Gabriel on Monday and Tuesday in the school play. The doctor wasn't  holding out too much hope, but I am. The doctor will assess her again on Monday to make the final decision. Cross all your fingers and toes please!



  1. Oh no! Poor Em! I didn't know you could get CP twice! Bummer! I hope she has a miraculous recovery! Jxo

  2. Lucky Sara! And unlucky Emily, that's a bit of a bummer as she doesn't get to wear her pretty new Angel costume! Hope it stays mild and doesn't end up as shingles!!

  3. No way!!! I can't believe it!
    I hope she's better fast and nothing else happens to your family.

  4. I've had chickenpox twice too - the second time I was about 12 and had to miss a family wedding - was very upset as I had a lovely new dress especially :-( Let's hope the Dr gives the ok on Monday xx

  5. Congratulations to the winner. I am green with envy though!

    My fingers are tightly crossed. What horrible timing. Hope it's a mild case and she gets to perform.

  6. Congrats to Sara! And I'll even say a little prayer to the real angels that she makes a speedy recovery!

  7. Congrats to Sara.

    Oh I know the horror of the 'twice' shock, after Twin 2 got spots 4 days before we went on holiday in the summer; second time, none on her face and the spots fade instead of doing the scabbing thing, no itching even in Menorcan heat ;) Hopefully Emily's will be as mild too xxx

  8. Congratulations to Sara. Sadly I didn't even make it to entering... I'm desperately making my way through them now the kids are in bed!! Seriously catching up to do.
    So sorry to hear that Emily is poorly I really hope she can fight it off for next week - GET PLENTY OF REST EMILY :)

  9. Congratulations Sara. As a Canadian living in Canada your comment about being an American living abroad in Canada gave me a chuckle.
    Poor Emily - chicken pox once is enough for any child.

  10. Ugh, poor Em! One of my colleagues' two kids have chickenpox right now - she was telling me earlier she has to keep catching herself from recoiling in revoltion from her daughter ;o)

  11. Congratulations Sara.

    Im crossing everything that's cross-able for Emily. Hope those spots and the virus disappear so she can be an angel next week!

  12. Lucky Sara and how funny she is living in Canada!

    Poor Em! Thumbs up that she can go there. And no, I did not know you can get it twice! My kids got a vaccination because I find them not harmless!

  13. oh not that's pants - Emily I mean. I did think you could get it more than once because the herpes virus that causes it stays in your system for life - although normally second time around it's shingles - which makes chicken pox seem like a walk in the park. :-(

  14. Congratulations Sara! I'm green with envy .. at least that's a Christmas color!

    Had no idea about the chicken pox thing. Does Emily know how very special she is?? Hope she has a very mild case.

  15. I know about the chicken pox thing but people never believe me when I tell them that it's possible, so I've stopped sharing that snippet!! So sorry for Emily and fingers crossed that doc will give her the all clear for the nativity!

  16. I'm so excited to have won! Really looking forward to seeing this package! I cannot have enough decorations so this is great.

    I live part time in Nova Scotia, where are you from?

    I hope your daughter feels better soon...I think I may have had chicken pox twice. The second time being pretty minor.

  17. I bet you will be glad when this year is over. It has been a bugger for poor Em. I hope she does not itch too much. Congrats to Sara.

  18. One of my sons had them twice. I am wishing with all my might that she will be better by then. Congratulations to Sara!

  19. Lucky Sara. Unlucky Emily! Got everything crossed for Gabe!

  20. I love how you are more optimistic than the doctor. Poor Em. Hope she is better for all of you. Congrats to the winner.

  21. I was one of those unfortunates who got chicken pox twice! The second time was as an adult (and it was CP, not shingles). It was horrible. Poor little thing!

  22. My eldest had chicken pox yep it can happen :o)

  23. Sometimes life is just polka dotted. Give her a hug from me and the kitties. I hope she is able to be in the play.

  24. Poor Emily! Did she have a very mild dose the first time round? I think all the spots have to be scabbed over before she can go back to school - do you think she's going to make it? I have all digits firmly crossed so am dictating this comment and Archie is typing. Hope no one else gets it...

    P.S. Congratulations, Sara!


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