Thursday 24 October 2013

The Quilters Bad Mother Handbook

Yesterday I had a sick child. And I basted a quilt. Yesterday said sick child volunteered to make some soup for lunch. And I let her - while I played with fabric. I am a bad mother. I've got my just rewards though, as today I have two sick children and am feeling rather squiffy myself. I am a bad mother, but I did manage to make something. Surely there is something to be said for that?!

After the basting task was done I went into my sewing space (because I don't have a room of my own - yet) and while there was a tonne of things to be done I got distracted by the HR that was still out on the table. I started to play with those scraps and the next thing I knew I was making something. It happens.

You can tell by the photos that I was doing this at different times of the day by the changing light. I cut, I pieced, I sashed, I layered and spray basted, and then I hand stitched.

Today I finished it as a cushion. But I didn't let anyone make soup, so I might be a better mother. On the other hand, I did let Helen make cookies. I go with the theory that if they are busy they are less likely to be thinking of the fact that they feel bleugh.

I used some lovely silvery grey DMC perle 8 for all the stitching bar the line of white use on the blue. I backed it with some spare pink spotty fabric I had. (Forgive the lumpy look of it. I didn't have a big enough insert so I stuffed in some wadding to make it more full.) And I used my last 24" zip from Zipit. Well, I am sure it is the last but every time I think that, another one appears from nowhere. They really are magical these zips! Granted, the blue was a little bright for this cushion, but I didn't have enough pink left to cover it, and the zip is on the back. Who wants to look at it when you have all that lovely HR on the front?!

So, another finish. Another finish not on the FAL list. I really wish you could amend that list as you went along. It's a finish that makes me happy though. And I got fine weather for photographing it. I love autumn weather like this, where colours are so vivid, and the sky so blue. Even with an ick tummy you have to be happy.



  1. not bad mothering at all, it is showing Helen how important and enjoyable it is to keep up your creative side! And when she is older she will look back on those bonding times fondly (or so I told myself!)
    (and now I know what HR stands for, I really want some)

  2. It's vital to keep he kids busy, especially when they're ill. Love the cushion, great finish even if it's not on the list!! Hope you feel better soon S. xxx

  3. terrible, terrible parenting. You should be ashamed. As penance I insist that you send me all the cookies.

  4. What a darling pillow! Hopefully you can enjoy it together with the HR quilt.

    You're just giving the girls practice for the real world here. The first time being sick at university with no one to take care of me sucked, so you're giving them life skills in how to care for themselves.

  5. Beautiful! I love those sweet HR prints, Susan. Such a lovely finish - had to chuckle about your wish to adjust the FAL list as you go along... I think that would work for me too. ;o)

    Hope you're all felling better!

  6. Bad mother?? Huh? I think it is great that you let your girls do something other than lay around feeling miserable. Besides it lets you have time to sew awesome, wonderful HR pillows, quilts or whatever. I love that pillow! A perfect companion for that quilt. You have such an eye for piecing those little bits of fabric and making them shine. It is always a fun moment when I see there is a new post from you on your blog, thanks!

  7. Really lovely....and your hand stitching is the best. Hope you all feel better soon.

  8. Ah, "bad" is in the eye of the beholder and I'm sure that "creative" trumps "bad" every time!
    Hope you're all feeling a lot better soon. Soup & cookies are bound to help.

  9. Dunno bout "terrible" parenting, but I question your sense in letting sick child make food... no wonder you've all got it! Sick children should be in bed with a book til better ;-)

  10. Never mind sending the cookies..... Send the cushion!

  11. Beautiful cushion - sorry you're all ill though.

  12. See this is why we secretly hate you. Even with sick kiddos you are a quilting dynamo powerhouse!!
    Don't complain to us about your FAL list!! We know you will get it all done!! :P LOL
    Lush x

  13. My husband always says I would be a terrible nurse - I do the basics of looking after them when they are sick and then keep away from all the germs - if that means I am in my sewing room - so be it. Beautiful cushion.

  14. Send it up here, then we'll all feel better :oD Seriously though, hope you're all back to 100% PDQ!

  15. Gorgeous cushion. If the kids are well enough to cook they are not ill enough for you to feel guilty about it!

  16. Hmm, I'm on the side of Sarah! No, you're not a bad mother, yours, like mine, thrive of self preservation. Sorry you got the ick too! Hope you are all feeling better soon x

  17. I love it! I have been sick and made my kids do stuff for me - it was WONDERFUL, I milked it for all it was worth! I think you were very wise to steer clear of you sick child, can't have you being sick and missing your sewing time. Lovely new pillow!

  18. A badmother would have gone out and left them at home! There you were staying in just in case you needed the emergency services! And you did have to do something while you were on call!

    Brilliant make - hope you are fit and well now!

  19. Great pillow—and great parenting too, I'm sure!

  20. Letting sick kids cook is great! The cushion is so lovely. The girl in the front is just gorgeous

  21. Hope you all feel better soon.
    And the cushion is so sweet and happy.

  22. Yay!! An HR cushion to match the quilt! Beautiful! Hope you girlies all get better soon, jxo

  23. Can this get any cuter??!! Am still envious of all these cute prints you have.

  24. It looks fabulous Susan. Hope the girls are feeling better

  25. oh it is gorgeous Susan and not bad mothering at all keep em busy that is what I say! The back of the cushion reminds me of what my thighs look like in leggings! xx

  26. Hey your stitches look straight enough to me! Gorgeous x

  27. Not a bad mother!

    Love your pillow. It goes nicely with your new quilt.

  28. so fun and you are not a bad mother. The girls did something they love to do...cook...and so did you. I call that mother/daughter bonding!

  29. The pillow is lovely! I don't think it is bad to let sick kids cook but it might be ill advised to let contagious folks make the food. I sure hope you feel better soon.

  30. A really bad mother would have made the kids baste the quilt ;-)

  31. Hi Susan! Your pillow is most cute! I think mother has to do lots of sewing to be a happy mother! x Teje

  32. Not bad mothering. Everyone needs to learn that even when you're sick you have to do things. Plus, you were able to make a cushion. Nice.


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