And I gave myself a stern talking to - Get over yourself! (I told myself.) You have had a pretty amazing life so far. Travelled the world. Done fabulous things. Married a brilliant man. Had two beautiful girls. Got the most wonderful friends.
Surprisingly enough, that was that. I am not longer bothered about the number (much). I've been very blessed in what I have got to do with my life so far. Who's to say I don't get to do lots more fabulous things? Besides which, raising two brilliant children is a gift in itself. I'm happy. I've got a good life.
And there is a chocolate birthday cake. What on earth do I have to complain about?!
In light of all that, I am passing on the good cheer. I have three items I would like to give away, three separate prizes - not all to one person. I want to spread the good cheer as far as possible.
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Three FQs of Cloud Nine organic cotton My Happy Nursery fabric line. |
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One hoop - my mantra. |
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A tote bag - grey linen with epp by me. |
That's it. You don't have to blog it, tweet it, facebook it, or shout it from the rooftops. This giveaway is for my readers. Thank you for stopping by on a regular basis and making my day by liking my blog. I appreciate it dearly.
I will choose the winners of each prize on Monday, July 8th about noon British time. If more than five of you are interested I may not be able to reply to all comments but I will do my best.
On that note, I have a few no-reply commenters these days. If you comment and never, ever get a reply from me then take that as a signal that you are a no-reply commenter. I really do my best to reply as much as possible. And I get some lovely comments from people I cannot say thank you to. Some people may not be aware that Google+ regularly changes your reply status without your knowledge so you may have been a reply person yesterday and a no-reply today. Just saying. I will need to be able to contact you if you win so if you are not sure about your reply status please leave an email. Thanks!
Hope you have a great day, and that when you hit this milestone birthday (because I know you are ALL younger than me) you feel as good as I do.
The Giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered. The winners will be announced in a blog post on July 8th.
Hiccy burpday! And yes, that looks very scarily like Emily!
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday, my lovely!!!! I cannot believe you were as good looking as Emily all that time ago, like eeeeeeeons and eeeeeeons ago! Seriously though, that picture could just be Emily, what a resemblance!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have an absolutely brilliant birthday, get spoiled rotten and maybe a teeny bit tipsy celebrating your fabulous years!
(And you know I would pee myself with excitement if I won that tote!)
happy birthday! i just started following your order - fabric, bag, hoop!
ReplyDelete(No, we are NOT all younger than you!) And I would love any of your amazing giveaway gifts! Happy, happy birthday- and remember- it's only a number!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! I helped my (younger) brother celebrate his 30th last night by going to see him perform with his band in Toronto.
ReplyDeleteI love the look of your tote bag (1st choice!), and the sarcasm hoop is great (2n choice). The fabric is gorgeous, but I've had more time to shop than to see this year, so I probably don't need a new project.
Thanks for sharing your milestone!
Sarah (
Happy Birthday Susa!!!! Enjoy them...if it makes you feel better; I'm turning 60 the end of the Oh God!!!!!! I would choose as a win....the fabric,then the tote and then the hoop. Not that I don't like the hoop...just like the other 2 thank you for the chance.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap! You and Em could be twins!! Unbelievable to be sure!
ReplyDelete***Happy Birthday lovely lady!***
I've still got my fingers crossed for that Hoop of Sarcasm or your tote ;)
Happy Birthday Susan! I think I need some chocolate to "help" you celebrate!
ReplyDeletePenblwydd hapus! Was your blog picture taken a decade ago?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win. I love the hoop but my stash could do with some fattening up so I'd go for fabric, hoop, tote. I wouldn't mind some choccie cake either ;-)
Sounds like you have another good reason to raise a glass of Bailey's, Susan. Now if I lived nearby, I'd join you in a toast and celebrate this milestone with you (and this is not because I have eyes on that chocolate cake you mentioned... ;o)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Susan!
I'd choose the hoop first, the fabric second and then the bag. :o) Thanks, sweetie!
You so do not look like your age - I'm glad you decided to be glad for all the good things in your life, including chocolate cake! Wonderful giveaway! my first preference would be tote, then fabric and finally, hoop. Happy birthday!!
ReplyDeleteSo now you've beaten to the not-so-big 50 and life is still very good! Chocolate cake (always) sounds good....and there was talk of a new sewing space a while back - or have I missed that update???
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful birthday season. My choice would be the FQ's, they look wonderful.
Happy Birthday KIDDO and you've done good so be very proud! I love your handmade items so the tote bag would be my first pick but either would be the bomb!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!! I've got a decade roll over happening next year, but I'm currently in a daze over being a newly married broad. I would whack someone for that hoop. So, hoop, tote, fabric. Phew.
ReplyDeleteYes, get over yourself and that stupid number. You are fabulous and that's what matters! I love stopping by here, and trust me, I don't waste time on non-fabulous people or things! With regards to that sarcastic hoop: I absolutely hate it, and couldn't possibly have it hanging on my desk at work.
ReplyDeleteSo glad I could join you today! If you were younger, you wouldn't have had so many great experiences and memories. The tote bag would be fabulous.
ReplyDeleteljridge4511 (at) gmail (dot) com
Happy B-day. It is only a number and doesn't even begin to encompass all that your are. I would like the tote, then FQ but not the hoop. I am in denial about my sarcasm.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday.Thanks for the giveaway chances.
ReplyDelete1 hoop
2 fabric
3 bag
Happy Birthday! Your daughters sure look like you, I can see both of them in your younger and your current self. I hope the cake is great and you have fun. I would love to win any of your prizes but would most love that tote bag and then the hoop as you made those two. And from one of the older ones, it is really just a number, not a state of mind
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday. I do enjoy reading your blog especially since you are Canadian "eh"
ReplyDelete1. Bag
2. Fabric
3. Hoop
Happy birthday!! So that will be fabric, tote and hoop! Amazing giveaway!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Why is it the older we get the faster the birthdays come around. If I'm chosen, bag or fabric.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Susan! Thanks for sharing your life and thoughts and passion with us!
ReplyDeleteif you should draw my mame: Tote, fabric, hoop would be my choice ;o)
Happy Birthday! Aw. A mere babe ;-)
ReplyDelete(some of us are about to experience the big 6-OMG moment … now that IS scary)
For l'il 'ol me it has to be…HoopLa! Yay! & then fab tote & then strokable fabric…
Hope you have a fabalush day xxx
Happy birthday gorgeous! I hope you have a wonderful cake-filled day (oh, and hoop then bag, but not the fabric - I have no babies!)
Happy Birthday! So cool to see the 10-year-old you.
ReplyDeleteI think many of us are bothered about the numbers no matter how old we are, so it's good to step back and remember there are much more important things in life than numbers.
And then there's chocolate cake :)(although in my case that'll be ice-cream with fresh strawberries)
Thank you for the lovely giveaway, I think the tote, the hoop and then the fabric would be my order of choice.
Happy birthday babes!50 is nothing to worry about, trust me! I would love the fabric, the hoop and the tote. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Susan, you and Emily do look a lot alike at that age, I never would have guessed.
ReplyDeleteOMG the mini-me likeness is going to turn your mum a bit doo-lally!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday - you have to wait a fortnight as I am too stingy to mail your pressie!
Hoop, bag, fabric s'il vous plait.
Have a lovely day - I ordered some 'summer' for you too xxxx
Happy Birthday! age is just a number, although saying that, I can accept myself getting older until the " baby" members of the family turn 30. My brain can't deal with that. Surely I was only just that age ha ha!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway, I would LOVE the Tote, then either the fabric or hoop.
Happy Birthday, Susan!
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a wonderful day. Thank you for the giveaway! My first choice would be the hoop. It reminds me of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, and I love embroidered items but don't love to do it myself.
Second choice would be the beautiful bag, third the fabrics. Thank you for the chance!!!
Happy Birthday Susan!! Hope you have a wonderful day, and are spoiled rotten. Don't worry about the number, just think of it as being 18 (with 32 years experience!)
ReplyDeleteLots of love
Rachel xxx
PS. I would choose hoop, fabric, bag but really they are all gorgeous giveaway gifts!
Happy, happy birthday - go forth and celebrate, pay no heed to mere numbers!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a lovely giveaway chance , in order I'd pick:
1. Chocolate cake ;-)
Tee Hee - actually love all three and would be absolutely delighted with either. Enjoy your birthday festivities and the sunshine, and hope your girls are all better soon.
Love Gilly xx
Wow, that's shockingly scary likeness! Happy birthday! Have a fb day! And like Hadley you'll have to wait! Hoop, bag, fabric, piece of cake, oops no, not in the offing was it! Have the best of days xxx
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Never mind the numbers, just enjoy yourself. I would love to win that fabulous bag.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity.
Happy, happy birthday my sweet friend! That is Emily to a tee!! What a cutie! Ok, I've always loved your tote bag, so that is no. 1. Fabric no. 2 and if I'm completely honest (which I will only ever be with you!) I'll give the hoop a pass! Although I'm always in awe of your stitching, no matter the message!!! Hope you have the best celebrations and get spoiled rotten! Big birthday hugs. Jxo
ReplyDeleteHappy bithday Susan! Feliz cumpleanios! You are a very lucky lady that is for sure!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway, I would love to win the Tote bag (so cute!, fingers crossed!!!!. Fabric and hoopp are my other choices.
I missed your birthday? so let me sing a song for you "zum Geburtstag viel Glück! zum Geburtstag viel Glück! zum Geburtstag alles liebe zum Geburtstag viel Glück! hoch sollst du leben! " I hope you had a brilliant day! you have the best time in you live. Enjoy it and have fun!
ReplyDeleteI love all the lovely things and so I have no ranking.
You make me laugh time and time again, miss! How great are you having a giveaway to share the love? I'd rank: 1) picture of you, 2) hoop, 3) tote and 4) fabric. It's odd the fabric comes in last.
ReplyDeleteYou're lovely. Thanks for a chance!
Forgot to say i love the hoop.
ReplyDeleteIf it makes you feel any better I had a massive maths failure. I *knew* how old you were when you started a family yet still thought you only had about 2 years on me. Making you 41 - from your tone, humour and, yes, your elusive picture you cannot be how-old-you-say-you-are. It's all a state of mind, innit?
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaway again! I am crossing everything and hoping for
1. Sarcasm hoop (I would - with your blessing - give this to a sarkie crafty best friend who could use a cuddle about now!)
2. The tooooote! Love love love. Come to mama.
3. Pretty stash. Oh, yeah baby.
Hope you had a lovely birthday! Apparently you are as young as the man you feel, so here's hoping Mr CA is a toy boy ;) I'd be honoured to win any of your 3 prizes!
ReplyDeleteooh my happy nursery! best wish you happy birthday too i suppose eh.... love you x
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Lady!!! Wow that is an uncanny resemblance.
ReplyDeleteMy problem with 50 was trying to decide if I wanted to do something huge with everyone I knew, or I just wanted to do that cause that was what is expected nowadays. I chose to go to London for a great weekend with my Prince.
Have never really had issues with the numbers & had no problem with the number 50 but 51? That's a whole other ball game!! LOL Mind you it still beats the alternative eh?
Enjoy the cake.
Lush x
I could use the fabric in a "whatever you make will be fabulous" baby quilt I am making for the new sister in law.
Glad you ate cake - cake fixes everything! Can't believe that resemblance, uncanny! So my order would be tote bag, fabric and hoop - not sure how well the hoop would go hanging in my classroom, lol.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win x
Happy Birthday, i won't sing as I'm rubbish at it! I remember getting really down about my 30th, and having to kick myself up the @rse, it is just a number- have a fab day my lovely!!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I would love to win, you know me I'm like that. So, it would be sarcasm hoop, tote bag, fabric either ele or spots, depending on what was left :o)
Happy birthday! Great to be positive about it :-) Would love to win the tote bag! The fabric is so cute, but couldn't really justify it, it should go to someone with a baby to sew for.
ReplyDeleteHippy Barfday!!!
ReplyDeleteIn order - bag, fabric, hoop!
Happy birthday! Glad to hear you are over your funk! Thanks for this generous giveaway - all the items are lovely but my picks would be bag, hoop, fabric!
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a great birthday and that it includes lots and lots of cake and of course all celebrations should last the whole weekend!!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous give away, I would pick hoop, bag, fabric!!
Happy birthday lovely! You might start to look your age when the girls get their teenage ways about them ;)
ReplyDeleteThis lovely giveaway must be the equivalent of taking doughnuts into work :)
If I was lucky enough to win I'd go for the hoop every time! Followed by the tote, then the fabric.
Oh to be 10 again....., still at our age at least we get to drink wine!
ReplyDeleteIf I won I would like the hoop first ( for my husband!), after that the tote and then the fabric. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is exactly like you¡¡¡
If only I won: hoop, fabric, tote.
Thank you from Spain
Happy birthday...... big numbers are scarey aren't they??? No worries, once they pass it all just carries on again!
ReplyDeleteFabric, bag, hoop please
have a good one
Woah your kids now look just like you did then!!! Who's the pup? So cute.
ReplyDeleteI would like the tote please- I'd give the hoop to Ange but I believe you already made her one! I'd just like to enter for the tote please, the nursery fabric won't get used round these parts (thank God)!
Well Happy Birthday Susan. The higher the numbers mean that you are just that bit wiser! Thank you for such a generous giveaway. If I were lucky enough to win then I would order the items as
ReplyDelete1. hoop
2. tote
3. fabric
Have a good time and be outrageous as you are old enough to be so now!
Di x
I left a brilliant comment yesterday but it didn't post. I seriously thought that was a photo of Em. Happy birthday. 50 is a great age.
ReplyDeleteI'd love the hoop, bag or fabric.
Oh have almost caught up with me!! I have to be honest...its all downhill from here! Some things...quite literally.
ReplyDeletehoop, fabric, tote.
Hmmm....fabric would be good as I have a baby quilt to make!!!
Happy Birthday! I've been told it's not the years in your life that count but the life in your years. Besides, birthdays are Nature's way of encouraging us to eat more cake. ;-) My order would be 1)Bag (to satisfy my container-itis) 2)Sarcasm hoop (to remind me it's ok and 3)Fabric just itching to become a baby quilt. Thanks for the giveaway. No go eat some cake!
ReplyDeleteHappy happy Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteBag - hoop - fabric
Happy Birthday! It's just a number - and not one that you look. Lots of good stuff yet to come. :-)
ReplyDeleteIf I was lucky enough to win one of the prizes - bag, hoop, fabric!
Happy Birthday Susan - hope you have a fabulous day & enjoy your yummy looking chocolate cake later (that is if you've resisted cutting in to it yet?! Such a generous giveaway - hoop/bag and fabric please :) x
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! That could be a photo of Emily - incredible resemblance. How lovely of you to give away gifts on your birthday - I do love the hoop and bag. I hope you have a wonderful day! And guess what - we're not all younger than you!
ReplyDelete"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Susan...Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuu"
ReplyDeleteYou see I'm dedicated, I type out the whole of the Happy Birthday song!
Wishing you a wonderful birthday, eat chocolate!
Sarah xxxx
ps; hoop, bag, FQ's please - thanks :-))
Ha ha this post made me chuckle! You have some very lovely makes there. And yes, chocolate cake definitely makes any bad situation much better :)
ReplyDeleteHi it is me, I am back! I already won that lovely tote ( which is obviously my first choice!) but because I was a no reply person you could not send it. Much saddness on my end when I found out! The motto is wonderful, and second choice. The fabric would also be great of course.
ReplyDeletehope this one works, and I am very glad you are back blogging after that short hiatus!
Happiest of days Susan. 50 isn't that bad, once you get past it....and it sounds like you have. Well done.
ReplyDeleteAs to the give away...I like the hoop, then the fabric, then the bag.
Well at least you got more than 5 comments!! I was 60 this year, and was dreading it, but to be honest, the sky didn't fall in and nothing changed, well it did in a way because we went away in our new camper for 6 weeks .. EEEKKK.... 4 in the UK and the rest in France, so there are some things to look forward to when you get old! My first choice would be the bag, then the fabric, then the hoop. Hugs Linda x
ReplyDeleteI am a Canadian not abroad but am a tiny bit jealous of the idea. I too am 40 + 10 later this year and have had the same feelings...
I am tote bag mad love your design, then the fabric, then the sentiment which describes me rather well.......
Happy Birthday!! How nice to give us presents!! Bag (so awesome!) Fabric, Hoop. That's my order. Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteI hit that same milestone over four years ago. You and your daughter look very much the same .. how fun! My choice would be fabric, bag, hoop .. and although I love the bag and the hoop, they should probably go somewhere else since I don't know how much use they would get at my house.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! You're only a smidgin ahead of me! I'd love the fabric, hoop, bag, and I can be reached at kirstie cantegreil at gmail dot com. Carry on your great work....I love your blog. x
ReplyDeleteTomorrow is my birthday and I will be 52. So Happy Birthday to the two of us, eh? I am excited if I ever get to win anything at all! But order of preference would be bag, fabric, hoop. ;)
ReplyDeleteNita - Blowin' out a candle for ya in Canada.
just had my birthday too bit older than you !!..............thought the photo was Emily and you had got a pup to go with the gerbils :)))
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to you and chocolate cake :)))
the bag by the way :))))or what ever you want !!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday lovely lady.
ReplyDeleteWhoa, your daughter really is the spit of you!
It's too hard to choose! but I'd have to go for the embroidery because I am in awe of your skills in that dept... then the tote next for me followed finally by the fabric.
Thanks for the chance to win.
We'll give you the bumps at the Retreat ;0P
Happy Birthday! Only bad thing about 50 is the hurtling towards the next lovely "0" .
ReplyDeleteI would go Hoop ( to hang in my fabric shop- I practice the art daily!)
Fabric ( others fabric is always better than your own)
Bag - it's lovely
Ahh it is just a number and you don't look anywhere near Hawaii-5-0! I shall buy you a huge glass of vino in a couple of weeks to make it all better.
ReplyDeleteP.s I would be delighted if the sarcasm hoop could come my way, Mr random generator, say it will be so x
Happy Birthday! I thought that was your daughter in the picture! Great genes! :) I hope I look half as wonderful as you!
ReplyDeleteI NEED that hoop!! That bag is stunning as well!
I hope you enjoy your day
I'm sure that maths is wrong, but it really is just a number and your life will be the same tomorrow as it was the day before when you where a year younger. I love that you gave yourself a talking too, cake always helps too! I have a little girl who would pee her pants if I made something with that elephant fabric! Then I'd love the bag, hoop comes in 3rd.
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoyed a lovely sunny birthday lovely lady xxxx
Wow, I can't believe how alike both your two look like you back then!! Happy Birthday to you. My forties have been the best (not long to the fifties now)
ReplyDeleteWould love the bag
Congrats on turning 50 :) It's really just a number. I turned 30 this year and I still feel 21.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for giving us goodies on your birthday! I'd love to have the fabric as I think it'd be cute for my girls' bedroom. Then I'd go for the tote and then the hoop.
I turned 60 this year and still feel 21 (I am lying)
ReplyDeleteTote, hoop, fabric, thank you.
Enjoy the last few hours of your big day!!
Well I would never have guessed you were 50 - clearly you are doing something very right! Happy birthday, I hope you enjoy it. I would choose Bag, Hoop, Fabric.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Susan. You're just reaching your prime now! Enjoy each day and try to say "Yes" as much as you can to experience new things. I still feel young, when in fact my son is nearer 50 than I am. I love those fabrics, the tote and the hoop, in that order. Thanks for a fun blog which I have been following for a while now. It was your name that drew me in at first as I lived in Canada for a few years when I was younger.
ReplyDeleteOh happy day lady. I don't have so much of a concern with the number just the fact that I am older and will not live forever!
ReplyDeleteI would love the tote because it is beautifully gorgeous and made by your own fair hand. That is all, I already have some Happy Nursery in my stash that is unused so more would be wrong, and while I love the sarcasm hoop I am trying hard to drop the sarcasm! But if cake is going spare...
Awww Happy Birthday, it was mine yesterday. I had to go back and check the date of your post. I thought we may have been birthday buddies :)
ReplyDeleteAnyway how lovely of you to give away presents on your birthday, afraid I didn't get organised to do such a thing, maybe another year on a big birthday :/
I would go for the sarcasm hoop, FQ and then the bag. Although that is a tough choice to have to make as they're all cool gifts.
Hope you have a lovely day
Happy Birthday! And thanks for the great giveaway and the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteFirst choice, the tote bag. I've coveted that bag since I first saw it on your blog. Second choice, the FQs but I'll pass on the hoop lovely though your stitching is.
5-0 is just a number . If it helps any I don't think you act your age at all ! You're one of the least mature people I know and that's why I adore you .
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday !
Happy half century, seen your gorgeous flowers on IG...I'd like hoop or bag pls :)
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday. I would pick hoop, then fabric, then bag but honestly they at all awesome presents. Thanks for sharing your birthday fun!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!! Nice of you to give US a gift on YOUR birthday. I would love any of those, but my favourite has to be the hoop.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! It does sound like you have indeed lived a fabulous life so far and will do even more amazing things in the future. I look forward to reading about them. I LOVE the hoop as that is so like me and my family so I have to pick that as #1. Then the elephants are adorable so the fabrics is #2 and the bag is simply gorgeous so it is a very close #3. I would be thrilled with any. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY! Gah I can't believe I didn't know in advance and send you something.
ReplyDeleteI hope you've had a fantastic day despite the age wobbles (yes get over yourself, you've got a beautiful and blessed life :) ) and the sickness. Gosh Emily is the spitting image of you.
Big hugs!! xx
Happy birthday honey. It is just a number and your maturity age is much more important. You are a lot younger on that scale!
ReplyDelete1. I love the hoop and always have
2. The bag us great
3. More fabric is never a problem!
Happy Birthday! Wow, I am surprised how much Emily looks like you at the same age. I kinda thought Helen looked like you! If I win please can I have the hoop, then choice 2 is the fabric, choice 3 is the bag. Thank you xx
ReplyDeleteHappy happy birthday! I'd love to win any of your wee giveaways, hard to put in order, but I'd say fabric, hoop, bag
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win :-)
Happy Birthday! I am a new follower of your fantastic Blog - found you as a result of the wonderful quilt that you worked on "Circle of Friends." The fabric is fantastic, and I really like the tote bag as well :). Thankyou for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Susan! Great thoughts and what a wonderful give away! Please, if this is only for your regular readers, don't include me. I'm now your follower. Your blog is beautiful and I love your happy photo!
ReplyDeleteSunny wishes from Greece! x Teje
Ps. I would love to carry that bag (1) or sew with those cute fabrics (2). Unfortunately in our tiny cottage I don't have wall space to hang hoops.
Happy Birthday!!! I know what you mean about the milestone funk. I hit a milestone in January. A friend hits the same milestone in December and last time we went out we compared notes on our midlife crisis! ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou choose what I win because I can't decide and I like surprises.
Sending you lots of birthday hugs across the miles Susan:)I can certainly see the resemblance to Emily in that photo of you! If I am lucky enough to win one of your lovely prizes, it would be: hoop, tote, fabric.
ReplyDeleteHi Susan. Happy 50th! A lovely milestone to celebrate. I'm 53, and it is a good age to be. Enjoy and cherish every day.
ReplyDeleteI would love the tote bag or the sarcasm motto.
Happy birthday to you!
ReplyDeleteI love your posts, your humor, your sewing talents.
All three are great.
Happy (belated!) birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with fun, love and presents! (As well as wine and food that you haven't had to cook or clean up after!) It's been hard to put the prizes in order but I think it's bag, fabric, hoop. Hope you're having a terrific weekend xx
ReplyDeleteP.S. Blimey, Emily looks like you!
Happy birthday! I hope you didn't have to make your own cake, even if it was chocolate.
ReplyDeleteFor the presents, I would choose fabric, hoop, bag. And thanks!
Happy birthday! We're all getting older at the same rate it's just some people started earlier! Hope you had a great day. (Fabric, tote , hoop for the lovely giveaway)